House of shadows
The project is located in Chiang Mai, a region in northern Thailand. This region is high, with many mountains and forests. Its climate is moderately cool (10-25°C) during winter. The relatively low humidity (69.4%) compared to other regions creates pleasant weather most of the year. He uses natural materials found in the area, such as river sand (concrete mix) for the interior walls and the northern part of the house, as well as various types of wood, including bamboo. Light passes through the bamboo panels all around the house and reflects off the raw concrete walls. The bamboo panels allow the house to open to the outside without creating cast shadows. The couple follows a lifestyle in harmony with the natural rhythms of the different periods of the day, influenced by Ayurveda, traditional Indian medicine. Ayurveda considers that the body is influenced by the doshas, which are three vital energies responsible for physiological and psychological processes. Their imbalance is considered the cause of diseases. The predominant doshas are: Vāta: Kinetic energy composed of air + ether (akasha) Pitta: The energy of transformation composed of fire + water Kapha: The cohesive energy composed of earth + water The house is designed to meet the needs of the guests, it revolves around their daily routine. From 6 a.m. to 10 a.m.: This period is dominated by Kapha energy. The body feels heavy and tends to retain water or generate congestion. The mind and body wake up with the emergence of daylight. During this time, the couple wakes up, washes, eats a light meal and practices yoga for a few hours to gently awaken the body to the morning light. From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.: This period is dominated by Pitta energy associated with the qualities of fire. The mind and digestion are active. The couple gardens, cooks and eats the largest meal of the day. From 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Vata energy predominates at this time, associated with the qualities of the air. Reflexes and thoughts are quick. It's a good time for creative work, video editing, research and social media content production. From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. This period is dominated by Pitta energy associated with the qualities of fire. The mind and digestion are active. The couple gardens, cooks and eats the biggest meal of the day. From 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. This period is again dominated by Pitta energy. The body is active, cleansing and detoxifying. From 2 a.m. to 6 a.m. Another Vata period. Sleep is lighter and dreams are more vivid.